Message from the Founders
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Welcome to our 2022/23 Annual Report, where our theme this year focuses on the importance that inclusion and equity bring to our communities.
Aotearoa is a stunning place filled with wonderful people and vibrant communities, yet there is still much more we can do to be an inclusive and equitable society, and to help reduce growing social division. We are listening deeply to what communities are saying and walking alongside them, supporting the process of change towards inclusiveness for all.
This year we’ve donated nearly $13 million to 594 organisations, and over the past 28 years more than $219 million in line with our strategic giving areas. We are extremely thankful to the volunteers and staff that run these organisations and acknowledge the countless hours that go into helping create a stronger, more inclusive Aotearoa.
We wish you a healthy and happy year ahead.
Ngā mihi,
Stephen and Margaret Tindall
Founders — The Tindall Foundation
Message from the Manager
Kia ora koutou,
It is a pleasure to bring you our 2022/2023 Annual Report. As we’ve moved through the past few years with many challenges as a result of COVID-19 and weather-related events, we’re coming to better understand the importance of feeling you belong to somewhere, something or someone. It’s the desire to feel valued and accepted for who you are — no matter your circumstance.
That’s why we’re increasingly looking at funding decisions with an ‘inclusive and equitable lens’, supporting communities to help reduce social division and create greater cohesion and unity. The values of philanthropy and inclusion go hand in hand – with generosity, openness, care, compassion and empathy, being at the heart of an inclusive society. This is especially important at a time when we seem to be becoming more divided as a nation.
In our report we focus on organisations that are leading the way to advocate for inclusion, whether it be social, financial or cultural — to help ensure that everyone has a voice, and feels heard and valued.
It has been a pleasure to serve our communities again this year and we hope you enjoy reading about the incredible mahi that so many great people and organisations have delivered.
Ngā mihi nui,
John McCarthy
Manager — The Tindall Foundation
Two worlds coming together –
Te Kete mātauranga
“Māori voices are being listened to more over time.”
– Rereata Makiha
Matua Rereata Makiha is an environmental tohunga (expert) who holds an impressive repository of te ao Māori environmental wisdom. Rereata continues to add and validate new sets of scientific evidence for Mātauranga Māori and, in recent decades, has been working alongside rangatahi Māori and Western science to share that knowledge and ensure it carries on through future generations.
Connecting Communities
The Tindall Foundation works with amazing partners around the country and our Local Donation Managers (LDMs) are at the heart of our local giving. They are our partners in distributing local funding to support their communities, but to us they are so much more. They are at the centre of our communities and work to support services for Whānau/Families. They are among the first to respond in times of disaster and help create tailored programmes to address the needs of their people.
We take a closer look at eight of our incredible LDMs.
LDMs helping to create inclusive and equitable communities
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rotorua
Funding supported the volunteer programme and training, which included engaging with whānau, schools and other local business/services in the mentoring/tuakana programme.
Geyser Community Foundation
Donation amount:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rotorua believes potential lives within every young person. Their mentors help form strong positive relationships that express care, challenge growth, share power, and expand possibilities through community-based and school-based mentoring.
Auckland-wide high-school students and Pathways Drivers Licence Programme
Pathways Drivers Licence Programme provides opportunities for employment and independence and assists youth to obtain their licence. This year will see up to 150 young people obtain their learners or restricted licence.
ADRA (Adventist Development & Relief Agency)
Donation amount:
Statistics show that a young person with a full or restricted licence is more likely to secure employment and gaining a driver licence can help reduce isolation while increasing life skills and confidence.
Te Whare o te Ata
The refurbishment of Te Whare o te Ata, a small community house, now has a new relationship with its community and is a thriving service provider. Funding this year supported Mana Kai, enabling families to have raised garden beds and grow their own veggies, as well as hosting workshops and cooking classes to share recipes using their produce.
Community Waikato
Donation amount:
Te Whare o te Ata partnered with the local council and philanthropic funding to undertake a remarkable transformation, adding spaces and refurbishing to create a customised community centre that offers a crucial range of services including food rescue services, programmes for vulnerable youth, meeting spaces and art projects.
Ngā Uri o Whiti Te Rā Mai Le Moana Trust
TTF funding supported the trust to open an inclusive youth hub in Porirua (Le Malaga o Moanaroa) to foster connection and belonging, and build skills.
Nikau Foundation
Donation amount:
Ngā Uri o Whiti Te Rā Mai Le Moana Trust is a Pasifika- and Māori-owned organisation creating avenues for inclusivity in Porirua and the wider Wellington region.
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust
Parihaka Community Garden supports the residents and marae of this iconic community in rural south Taranaki. Funding enabled its co-ordinator and community of volunteers to take care of the land and have a regular supply of fresh vegetables, ensuring food security all year round.
Taranaki Foundation
Donation amount:
Te Whenua Tōmuri Trust is committed to assisting sustainable community development and well-being in Taranaki and beyond; and to inspire and empower people to protect its community and natural environment through sustainable techniques — tiaki taiao, promotion of kaitiakitanga.
Cyclone Relief Fund
In the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle in February, TTF gave an immediate donation to support Hawke’s Bay, while other regions were funded separately. Donations supported services directly on the ground working with families in the many affected communities across the region.
Hawke’s Bay Foundation
Donation amount:
The Hawke’s Bay Foundation Cyclone Relief Fund raised over $3 million and was initiated at the request of donors wanting to help flood-stricken Hawke’s Bay residents. The Foundation acted quickly to create a simple process and financial distributions were made within two weeks.
Donation Highlights
Anjum Rahman
Leading the way for equity and fairness for ethnic women in Aotearoa
“Aligning our organisation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi has been an integral part of our kaupapa”
Anjum Rahman MNZM is a New Zealand Muslim community leader and human rights activist. A strong advocate for the rights of Muslim women she is a founding member of the New Zealand Islamic Women’s Council. She was also a founder of Hamilton’s Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust, which supports ethnic women to achieve their aspiration as mana wāhine, to be respected and welcomed into their communities and the wider community, free from fear, prejudice and violence.
We talk to Anjum about what motivates her to lead the way for fairness and equity for ethnic women in Aotearoa.
If you enjoy reading this and would like to hear more of our stories throughout the year, then opt in to receive our communications below. We send out four newsletters and our Annual Report each year so we won’t bombard your inbox.
Our Giving
In the 2022/23 year:
$12.9 million
We gave over $12.9 million
in donations
$11 million
We’ve further committed
donations over $11 million
594 Organisations
We gave donations to 500+ organisations
across New Zealand
In the last 28 years:
$219 million
Our donations have totalled
over $219 million
$155 million
In addition the Foundation’s prepaid tax payments have
totalled over $155 million
Headline Summary of Key Cumulative
Results (1995–2023)
1. Gross Dividends Received Less Prepaid Tax (Imputation Credits) Net Dividends Received |
$506,161,923 ($155,975,376) $350,186,547 |
2. Donations Paid (1995–2023) | $219,135,487 |
3. Administration and Operating Expenses (7.5% of Donations Paid) |
$16,357,175 |
Liquid Assets as at 31 March 2023 | $44,977,137 |
The Warehouse Group Limited — Shares | $136,752,918 |
Other Assets | $113,437,537 |
Total Assets | $295,167,592 |
Total Donations Paid
For the 2022/23 financial year, The Tindall Foundation paid out donations totalling $12,974,526.
During the year we gave donations to 594 organisations across New Zealand.
Total Donations Paid in 2022/23
by Focus Area
Whānau / Family
Local Donation Managers:
TTF Direct Donations:
Total Donations:
Local Donation Managers:
TTF Direct Donations:
Total Donations:
Total Donations:
Next Gen & Other
Total Donations:
Our People
The Tindall Foundation is a private philanthropic family foundation working throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. We are helping to build a stronger, more equitable country for children, young people and families. We aim to work alongside communities to support them to be empowered and inclusive, and to lead positive change. Our mahi is driven by a belief that all Kiwis should have the chance to achieve their full potential and contribute to a healthy, strong society.
We support initiatives that have intergenerational impact, long-term benefits and improve equality. We prioritise Te Ao Māori knowledge and aspirations and encourage joined-up approaches that make a difference from grassroots to systems change.
Our governance team (from left to right): Rukumoana Schaafhausen (Ngāti Hauā, Waikato Tainui), Jennifer Casey, Margaret and Stephen Tindall (founders), Robbie Tindall.
We are fortunate to have a fantastic management team made up of: